Friday, August 21, 2009

Oh, please slow down clock <3

Hey all,

Wow, time is flying by, it seems everyday when I wake up...the clock goes faster each time : Well, I don't mind it too much, it means that the weekends are coming faster, but I wish it would slow down then, so I can spend more time with George.

Speaking of time flying, I just realized that next week Friday is going to make 6 months of being married! That's half a year!! Cwaziness. And I loved every minute of it :)

I grilled burgers recently!! Hehe! Who said girls can't grill? (even if it's just burgers haha) George had some good laughs like when I broke a burger in half (so not my fault :p) and when fire shot up and I screamed and slammed the lid shut. Yes, good times :) The burgers turned out yummy though! Yay me haha :)

Well, I'm still looking for a job...*bleh*. I started to do full time on my applications because guess what?? Abbi's potty trained. Now that was an answer to prayer. She can stay by herself now for longer periods of time. Hooray :) I just applied to be a server assistant in a steak house RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF DOWNTOWN! It's so pretty there :) Skyscrapers and such! The uniform is so cool there! They wear long white sleeved dress shirts, ties, black aprons, and black slacks. Neato :) Plus, there one of the most expensive resturants here, so mucho money, I hope. So, I'm praying I get that job! That would be amazing, but I know God has one in mind for me, so I'm not too worried. He's in control and that's so good to know :)

Oh and last week, George and I went on a beautiful hike in Manitou Springs, Colorado :) It was a hike up a mountain and into a valley!! We found a really beautiful meadow in the valley, so George and I stopped to eat lunch there with Abbi. We found a log to sit on and ate our lunch :) All the sudden, George shouted, "Move your foot! Move your foot!" I thought he was talking to the dog, so I continued eating lunch. George moved my foot for me super duper fast and I looked down and a HUGE brown spider had a web right under the log where my foot was. O.O I jumped up and ran haha...I hate spiders and that one...look very poisoness....eep. At least we didn't find a snake.

Well, that's about it all! Have a great day :)

--Sabrina and George

P.s. I found a cool song :) George and I realllly like Paramore, so of course we like this song. Basically it's about people assuming things about people, judging them, and treating them like strangers :) It's really good! And so true :)


  1. Wow! what a cool place to eat lunch! Sorry about the spider:( I will be praying you get the job. love you two.We all miss you both.

  2. i know what you mean about time passing so quickly. a couple of days ago i was asked how old i was and i said i was sixteen! i wasn't trying to lie, i just seriously thought i was. i was sixteen five years ago, so what the heck!
    i like that it's passing by quickly now, it makes bryan being gone a tiny bit easier. hopefully it will slow down again once he returns.

    you're a step ahead of me. i've only grilled corn. it came out raw. i know, how hard can it be, but i'll leave the grilling to the men & applaud you for not serving raw food.

    did you apply at makenzie's chop house? it is beautiful in there, huh? if you guys ever eat there make sure to just get steak. that's what they are known for & that's what good there. i got sashimi & i really wished i would have got steak & fries like Bryan. you'll find a job soon, just be persistant in looking, calling back, & seeming interested. i hope you find something you totally love. i was thinking about applying at one of the museums in town when we move back. they have so many and it would be interesting.

    i'd have to say, as old looking as manitou springs is, i love it & besides the air force academy, it has to be my favorite. we are missing out on all the summer hiking. we'll definitely have to make up for it. we were talking last night & we agreed to try to a different hike every few saturdays. i know we won't always live in CO & i would like to take advantage of the fact and get out and explore.

    well, i should have just emailed :) either way, i hope you and george are well. congratulations for potty training abbi...huge accomplishment. you deserve more of a treat than she does.
