Well hello :)
I thought it was fitting to tell you guys the story of how we got engaged, first and foremost :)
The Kauai State Fair
The Kauai State Fair was going on and the Bible College had a booth up there, so I worked there two nights out of the 3 or 4 days it was there. So, I didn't get to ride any of the fair rides and I was so sad because it was the second to last night of the fair, August 29th and we couldn't go the next day because George's mom was coming.
Well, George surprised me by taking me to the fair that night :) It was around 7pm when we got there and the fair went on till 12am, so I was so excited (I love rides so much!!)
George was... normal, nothing to be suspicious about AT ALL. It started to rain at about 9:30pm, so we ran into the game tent and decided to just play games the reminder of the night. We started playing and I immediately won George a prize, a turtle!
So of course George being a guy, he wanted to up me in that and decided to win me...a Curious George monkey. Well, looooong story short, it took him $25 dollars to win it (yes yes yes I told him he didn't have to win that, but he was determined.)
Anyway, by the time the games were over it was nearing 11pm and I was tired, so I asked George if we could go, but he said "oh please, brins, not now, just a little longer!!" I asked him what he wanted to do then and he said, "One more ride, we never went on the ferris wheel!" Ok, seriously George was so calm, him proposing didn't even cross my mind. So, off we went to the ferris wheel :)
This is George and me right before we got on (noticed how normal he is (well, those who don't know him, this is normal) and how tired I am lol)
So, we walked back to our car and he had gotten roses for me :)
We drove back to the church (where the Bible College dorms were for the guys) and I dropped him off and drove back home to the girl dorms the happiest girl alive :)
The end...
What a wonderful whirlwind romance! So glad you two are happy. You two are half way to your 1st anniversary. Yea!!