Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Fun <3

Hey all,

So, this was our first Labor Day married :) It was so fun! First off, we just slept in till 10am, hahaha...we don't get to do that a lot, but we did that day and it was nice! Since we missed breakfast, we just ate lunch and cuddled on the couch and watched some Design Star (a designer show). We then took Abbi to the Bear Creek Dog Park (it has a creek that dog's can swim in) and we tired her out and then we took her to another dog park lol. We met a friend at the second dog park and our dog's played together and soon after Abbi was dying so we took her home :) For dinner, we had a BBQ and ate soooo good :))) I'm sure we both gained weight. We had such a fun day and we ended it with watching a James Bond movie, while eating the best Banana Spilt ever!

So, the rest of this week, is going to be crazy :o George has an interview tomorrow, so we're going shopping tonight for a spiffy tie and shirt :) He's gonna look so nice...well he always does :)

This weekend we're going on a hike with another couple and there baby girl Acacia (5 months old!!! she's so cute!!) so I'll post some pics from that!!

Well, I still haven't gotten a job, but I have an interview with Costco at the end of this month, so that's my prayer request today!!

So, George and I just started in 1 Samuel now and we just finished Chapter 1 last night and BOY was that a great chapter!! What I got from it and what God showed me was how easily now we can say a promise or vow and not go through with it. You know we say: "God if you helped me today with *this and that*, I PROMISE that I will invite that unsaved neighbor over for dinner and share with them. Well, God helps us...but we don't go though we what we promised. Hannah, Samuel's mother, wanted a son so bad, so she promised God that she would give him to Him and he would dedicate his life for God. Hannah got pregnant and bore a son, Samuel and as soon as he was weaned she took him to the Temple and gave him to God. We can barely keep our tiny promises to God, but Hannah gave her SON to God. What a testimony and example. We need to keep our word and follow God with all our heart! I can't wait to read the rest of 1 Samuel!! Chapter 2 tonight!! Woohoo!!

Have a blessed day everyone :)

=Sabrina and George

P.s. Look what the Barber girl did to George, she cut him 5 times with the razor she used o,o Poor George.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pancake Rocks Hike <3

Hey all,
George and I went on a 6 hour hike today!!! It was a hike called, Pancake Rocks (named after the rocks on the picture above). It was quite hard, but worth it! George and I are suupperrr sore. Surprising we're still awake, it's midnight here! *gasp* this is the lastest time we have stayed up in 6 months!!! Crazy, yeah? Yep, we're the new "elderly" definiton.

Abbi practically died on the way down. Poor baby. So, we're not taking her on anymore super hard hikes for a while!! But in the beginning, she found a stream and fell in love! She played in it for about 15 minutes! Then we found a marshy area that she swam around in. Yeah yeah, we know about the parasites she can get, but...seriously that dog loves water, we can't stop her.

The views were simply amazing! Breathtaking! God made the earth so beautiful and unique! It was a wonderful hike thinking about what God created!! The rock formation were crazy on this hike!!

Well...I think we're finally off to bed! Woohoo! Time for some sweet slumber :) Goodnight everyone!

--Sabrina and George + Abbi

Friday, August 21, 2009

Missing Family <3

Hey all,

Family. The most important thing to me. I miss them with all my heart :( All of my family is in Hawaii, Washington, and California and here I am in Colorado Springs...without them. It's weird how many times in the day that they pop into your mind. A song reminds me of them, a picture, a memory, a joke, or just looking at my face (I have some features of my mommy). You think that you can be big and strong without them...WHILE you're with them, but when you leave homesickness creeps in and plagues you...
So, yes, with all my heart, I miss them. Hope to see you all soon! Love you :)

Oh, please slow down clock <3

Hey all,

Wow, time is flying by, it seems everyday when I wake up...the clock goes faster each time : Well, I don't mind it too much, it means that the weekends are coming faster, but I wish it would slow down then, so I can spend more time with George.

Speaking of time flying, I just realized that next week Friday is going to make 6 months of being married! That's half a year!! Cwaziness. And I loved every minute of it :)

I grilled burgers recently!! Hehe! Who said girls can't grill? (even if it's just burgers haha) George had some good laughs like when I broke a burger in half (so not my fault :p) and when fire shot up and I screamed and slammed the lid shut. Yes, good times :) The burgers turned out yummy though! Yay me haha :)

Well, I'm still looking for a job...*bleh*. I started to do full time on my applications because guess what?? Abbi's potty trained. Now that was an answer to prayer. She can stay by herself now for longer periods of time. Hooray :) I just applied to be a server assistant in a steak house RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF DOWNTOWN! It's so pretty there :) Skyscrapers and such! The uniform is so cool there! They wear long white sleeved dress shirts, ties, black aprons, and black slacks. Neato :) Plus, there one of the most expensive resturants here, so mucho money, I hope. So, I'm praying I get that job! That would be amazing, but I know God has one in mind for me, so I'm not too worried. He's in control and that's so good to know :)

Oh and last week, George and I went on a beautiful hike in Manitou Springs, Colorado :) It was a hike up a mountain and into a valley!! We found a really beautiful meadow in the valley, so George and I stopped to eat lunch there with Abbi. We found a log to sit on and ate our lunch :) All the sudden, George shouted, "Move your foot! Move your foot!" I thought he was talking to the dog, so I continued eating lunch. George moved my foot for me super duper fast and I looked down and a HUGE brown spider had a web right under the log where my foot was. O.O I jumped up and ran haha...I hate spiders and that one...look very poisoness....eep. At least we didn't find a snake.

Well, that's about it all! Have a great day :)

--Sabrina and George

P.s. I found a cool song :) George and I realllly like Paramore, so of course we like this song. Basically it's about people assuming things about people, judging them, and treating them like strangers :) It's really good! And so true :)


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Our Pets and Foster Pets <3

Hey all,

I wanted to share some pictures of our pets!! George and I got Abbi from a pet store about a month after we got to Colorado Springs. Needless to say, she's been a blessing and a sweetheart (even with the occasionally peeing and eating of nondog objects). She goes on hikes with us and even sleep right between us at nighttime (on her back haha). Our other pet is a kitten named Calli. I found her curled up infront of my door on a stormy day, so I took her in. George came home and fell in love and we never took her to the humane society :) I was so happy!!!! Abbi


We also have two "nieces" of ours. They're my brother-in-law and sister-in-law's babies. Bryan went to Afghanistan and his wife Corina went back to California to go to school while Bryan is away. They come back to Colorado in May or June of next year :) So, we're taking care of Delilah and Lolita (also known as Lola).



So, that's it :) All I can say is they all eat A LOT of food haha :) Have a great day everyone!!

The end...

The Wedding <3

Aloha :)

Well, as you read before, we married on February 28th, 2009! We want to thank all the people who helped us!! Especially the Kauai Bible College Students!! They made it happen!! I wanted to share some photos from the wedding! If you want to see ALL of them: here's the link:

Here's some of the formals

And here's some from the reception ;)

Planning the wedding in 6 months, while traveling and going to Bible College full time was pretty hectic, but we managed! It definitely paid off in the end and the wedding was beautiful and perfect :)

The end...