Thursday, March 22, 2012

Oh Vegan!

So, at the end of Janurary of this year, George and I decided to forgo meat and dairy and become vegan!! I'm not going to lie it has been HARD but we made it so far!! George has lost 15 pounds so far and I have lost 10 pounds so far!! We also cut out all sodas, white sugar, and started biking everyday!! so that played a BIG factor in our weight loss :)
We decided to become vegan because we watched Forks over Knives. A documentary that explained that meat did not belong in our body! Too much protein!! So, George and I decided right then and there that we were vegan! No more meat or dairy! I would go into more about why we are vegan but...I GOTTA GO BIKE 14 MILES!! I'll update ya'll later :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Oh New Stuff!

So, I haven't written a blog in a year and a month. Yay me? I get the worst blogger award that's for certain!
So, I wanted to share about what has gone on for a year and a month! Here I go!

We got pregnant in October of 2010 after a year of trying! We were so excited!!! Things were going great till my 5th week of pregnancy. I developed Hypermesis Gravidarum, which is a severe form of morning sickness. I had to go to the hospital 3 times during my pregnancy for this because I got so badly dehydrated from throwing up 5-6 time a day. This condition led me to quit my job because I was consistently running to the bathroom to heave up my poor lunch. I was sick until my 33rd week of pregnancy...then I made sure to make up for all the food I had thrown up haha! I indulged in every craving!!!
I had a ultrasound at 37 weeks and found out my water had been slowing leaking for awhile and I barely had any in there, so off to the hospital I went to deliver Jacob! I was induced at 6:00pm (I was supposed to get induced at 5:30pm but I begged my doctor to let me shower and shave my legs (hey. I wanted to feel somewhat decent while giving birth))
By 10:00pm I had just started getting the contractions that made me want to break George's fingers off!! I was scared to death of an epidural so I kept apologizing to the nurse for yelling (not at her, I was yelling OW!)and she kept telling me to get an epidural. I was only 3cm at 2am so I told her to get me an epidural (before I murdered someone. I have never felt pain like that before. It was intense.)
Well, besides the fact that my epidural dude was a complete jerk, it went smoothly in. 5 minutes after the epidural, things got interesting. I all the sudden got extremely sleepy and then an alarm went off in my room. 7 nurses come bounding in and I'm confused but still extremely sleepy. They are grabbing an oxygen mask and filling syringes up with something and injecting it into my IV. Then they keep turning me side to side. Apparently, my blood pressure went to the floor. And so did Jacob's heartrate. My nurse looked visible shaken which freaked me out more. I laid there watching the screen for Jacob's heartbeat for an hour. In that hour, his heart beat stopped 6 times. Each time, nurses would bound in, inject me, and keep turning me over and having horrible, shaken looks on there faces. Then the talk about a C-section came up. Jacob was not handling labor well at all. They were worried about his safety. I was scared out of my mind. Then my contraction pains came back and the doctors couldn't figure out why the epidural had stopped working. I knew it was God. God turned it off because He knew it was stalling my labor. My nurse went to check how far along I was dialated at 4:40am. I was ready and Jacob was well on his way on coming out!!!! My nurse was freaking! She ran out and started yelling at the doctor and the nurses and 13 minutes later... Jacob was in the world :) I was dubbed the incredible pusher by the hospital haha. So, The Lord knew it was time to get Jacob out or else we may not have had him come out ok.

In April of 2010, George quit his job and started working at Marriott Hotel in Denver, CO. The commute was horrid, so in October 2011, we moved into an apartment in Denver so that George wouldn't have a 4 hour commute everyday! He loves his job and actually has just got a promotion after only being there less than a year! I'm so proud of him! He has such great work ethic and is such a great Godly example to everyone :)

Jacob is currently 7 months old!!! It is hard to believe that he's grown so much! He has two bottom teeth and eats like a champion! He's growing up too fast...

So, next month is a huge month for us! We move to a bigger apartment! And here's the kicker: we're selling our car and are going to live car-free for 1 year!! We are hoping to pay off all of our debt from that! The Lord showed us the way and we're going to trust in Him about it!! We are also getting rid of our cell phones, but don't worry we are getting a landline so we won't be disconnected from the world!! The apartments have a huge dog park so we're extremely excited!! Pictures to come!

Also, in February, we celebrate 3 years of marriage bliss! I love being married to George. He makes me laugh, smile, and love my life everyday. I'm deteremined to live long enough to see our 75th anniversary haha!!!

Well, that's all for now. God bless!

In Him,

Sabrina and George Castaneda